What kills dog fleas naturally

There are many natural remedies for killing dog fleas, including the following:

• Diatomaceous earth: Diatomaceous earth is an effective natural remedy for getting rid of fleas on your pet. Sprinkle it lightly over and around your pet’s bedding and furniture to keep them from returning.

• Cedar chips: Cedar chips are known for their flea-repelling properties, making them a great natural solution for keeping fleas away from your pooch. Simply sprinkle some cedar chips in areas where your dog frequents and replace as needed.

• Apple cider vinegar: Fleas hate the smell of apple cider vinegar, which you can use to create a repellent spray by mixing equal parts of the vinegar with water and misting it over your dog’s fur.

• Neem oil: Neem oil has long been used as an effective way to keep pests away from humans and animals alike. Using neem oil as a shampoo or adding a few drops to your dog’s drinking water may help prevent flea infestations.

• Saltwater: Saltwater can be used to kill fleas instead of using harsh chemicals provided by store-bought insecticides. By soaking your pet in a bath tub filled with salt water, you can effectively remove any living fleas on its skin without damaging its seresto-collar.com hair or skin tissue.

These natural remedies make it easy to get rid of annoying dog fleas without having to resort to dangerous chemicals or expensive treatments from the vet’s office!

Vacuum regularly

Regular vacuuming is an effective way to kill dog fleas. If your pup has a flea problem, make it a point to vacuum every day. When you vacuum, be sure to get into all the nooks and crannies of your house – carpets, rugs, cracks between floorboards, couches and other furniture – and empty the vacuum bag properly after each use. The suction from your regular household vacuum is enough to kill most fleas on contact.

Vacuuming can even prevent more fleas from taking up residence in your home by removing potential flea eggs or larvae hidden in carpets and other fabrics in your home. Vacuuming also helps reduce overall dust mite populations as an added bonus!

Make use of beneficial nematodes

One way to get rid of dog fleas naturally is to make use of beneficial nematodes. These microscopic, roundworms are predators that seek out and attack flea larvae in the soil or wherever they may be hiding. Not only do they help control fleas, they also help with other garden pests like termites and grubs.

Using beneficial nematodes is easy! Just mix them with water before application and then spray or sprinkle the mixture evenly over your yard or garden and let them work their magic. What’s even better is that they reproduce quickly so you can re-apply periodically for continued protection from pesky fleas.

It’s important to remember, however, that these microscopic critters won’t be able to handle a heavy infestation on their own. If you have an existing flea problem, you’ll need to combine this approach with alternative methods such as vacuuming your home regularly, using diatomaceous earth, cedar oil sprays and more for a comprehensive approach to dealing with dog fleas naturally.

Natural citrus spray

Natural citrus spray is an excellent way to kill dog fleas naturally. A homemade citrus spray is incredibly easy to make and provides a safe, non-toxic way to get rid of fleas for good. To make the spray, combine two tablespoons of any citrus-based fruit or vegetable juice with nine cups of water in a large spray bottle. Then, use the mixture to spray your dog from the top of their head all the way down their body , avoiding the eyes and ears. After application, you should start seeing results quickly!

By using natural ingredients like oranges or lemons you can safely rid your pup’s coat of fleas and ticks without needing to resort to artificial chemicals. The smell of citrus has been known as an effective deterrent against fleas, so it’s no surprise that this natural remedy works great! Additionally, it won’t be drying on the skin and leaves your pup smelling clean and fresh.

Frequent bathing with apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a great natural remedy to kill dog fleas. Start by filling a bathtub or sink with warm water and adding 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar. If your pup is large, increase the amount proportionally. Then, gently dunk your pup’s hindquarters into the tub for about 20 seconds. Make sure not to cover the head to avoid any risk of drowning.

It’s important to dry your pup with a towel afterwards, and also be careful not to let them drink the water! Once you’ve repeated this process daily for a few days, flea infestations should start to decrease and eventually die off.

Not only is this method useful for getting rid of fleas, but it’s also beneficial for making your pet’s coat shiny and healthy-looking too! So give apple cider vinegar baths a try today and never worry about nasty fleas again!


Using natural methods to control fleas in cats and dogs should always be your first choice. If these methods don’t work, other options are available such as medicated shampoos or even flea collars—but always consult with a veterinarian before introducing any new products.

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